Call Center Marketing - Dialing campaigns, Signaling and Paging
NOTICE: We are not in the business of telemarketing, but we sell telemarketing dialing services on a leased basis and we keep updates on the DNC Registry as an added service. We are NOT subject to the rules of the Federal Communications Commission concerning Caller ID services rules & regulations. The Leasee per contract is responsible for lawful compliance concerning telemarketing services that are regulated.
Certain campaigns are considered exempt by law.
Certain campaigns are considered exempt by law.
Political Campaign Services:
At ADSNELLC Cloud Services, we strive to maintain compliance with consumer laws concerning the "DO-NOT-CALL" registry and we do not allow scrupulous use of our trunk lines by devious telemarketers. When it comes to political campaigns, we understand the professional image and elected incumbents reputation is all important to the constituents a politician is serving. We know a political campaign must be run with clear confidence, and an injury-free reputation that does not violate any aspect of the law. Although "political campaigns" are mostly FTC exempt, there are still federal laws that regulate the telephony marketing industry concerning political campaigns. We proudly assert that our telephony dial campaigns for electoral candidates are conducted within the highest compliance of the law.
Physician Services: Emergency Signaling & Paging & Appointment Reminders
Med-Alert 24 - Emergency Services
Med-Alert24 - Emergency Physician paging. "Click Here"
ADSNELLC Cloud Services provides healthcare institutions with a emergency communications source for medical paging and signaling of critical staff. With Toll-Free 800 access and a means to send urgent communications to medical staff on location or at home, such signaling and paging functions provide healthcare personnel with timely delivery of communications as well as supplementing data services from the Centers for Disease Control, urgent weather conditions from the National Weather Service, and daily events from the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission's event status for Nuclear Power plants all acquired thru our satellite based
EMWIN service.
Commission's event status for Nuclear Power plants all acquired thru our satellite based
EMWIN service.